Greetings Brethren,
I hope the last month has been all you hoped it to be.
Our April meeting was a cracker; first we had four Entered Apprentices for the presentation of one of the finest deliveries of the first degree board. This brought to mind the old saying, “listen as well as you can hear”, and I can vouch that every person present listened, congratulations WBro Andrew Childs.
Bro David McGregor (Bribie Island) , Bro Ben Wilson(Baden Powell) , WBro Andrew Childs, Bro Russell Evans (Morningside), Bro Wayne Greenley
We then had a presentation by WBro Cedric Murray for ANZAC DAY, before WBro Murray rose I was thinking that he would have a hard job topping the Tracing Board but from the moment he rose to the end I was sure that this presentation was the best that anybody could deliver.
I as Master of Mt Pleasant am proud of the work the two Brethren presented and our lodge should be equally proud. Well done brethren thank you.
On ANZAC Day I placed a wreath at Grand Hall on behalf of the brethren of Mt Pleasant Lodge and the memory of those who are now passed on some of which I know was very present in my thoughts.
Lodge management meeting is scheduled for Monday 18th May 2015 at 7.30 pm. The venue is at Jim Reid’s house at 25 Nerrima Street Shailer Park Qld. 4128. Any and all members welcome.
Out and About
My visits for April were: Baden Powell, 1st Degree, Windsor Lodge, City of Logan, Redlands Lodge, 2nd Degree.
4th May Vigilance Installation, 5th May Kianawah Lodge, 11th May Ashton Lodge, 13th May Baden Powell Installation, 20th May St George Lodge, 23rd May Nth Australian Lodge Installation – 4.00pm.
Brethren, I have a healthy dance card for the May visits, hope some of you will able to come along to at least one of these visits.
The BBQ in the park was held at Tygum Park. 31 people came to enjoy the company of other attendees and of course the usual excellent food supplied by Helen & Lindsay David.
Before we drew the raffle Mrs Carol Lycho made a presentation of a Master Masons apron owned by a very special person in her family life, but sadly has passed to the Grand Lodge above, to Bro Wayne Greenley, for his use when required. This sort of passing on passed brother’s equipment means a lot to some families and in a small way means the carrying on the memory in the craft for them.
We raised $390 from the day going towards my charity MAKE A WISH FOUNDATION, thank you to all who came along.
Carol presents her family members MM apron to Bro Wayne Greenley. | Bro Rod, WBro Andy & WBro John | ||
While talking about fund raising, while I was away in Tasmania in March WBro Andrew Childs ran a dinner at South Brisbane TAFE, thank you to all who attended we raised $160 for my charity, I am looking forward to our next BBQ in the Park and the Annual dinner.
Wishing you all a happy May and for frightening thought, next month we are half way through the year.
Thank you all
Fraternal regards,
WBro James Reid, Worshipful Master
Phone home: 3388 1229
mob: 0418 880 865